This servlet uses an HTTP request parameter to construct a path. While this action may mean to access only one directory in the server's file system, it does not properly neutralize sequences such as ".."
that can resolve to a location that is outside that directory.
Consider a servlet that takes GET
requests in the following form:
If the servlet processes the request by simply appending the file name to a predefined path, accessing the file system through that path will be susceptible to relative path modification attacks:
String BASE_PATH = "/home/users/";
String userName = ...; // From a database, possibly.
// Expands to: "/home/users/username/filename"
String filePath = BASE_PATH + userName + "/" + request.getParameter(REQUEST_PARAMETER);
// ...
can be used to access files from other usernames by using a relative path:
The requested file name will be appended and interpreted as the following malicious path:
Or, canonically:
This is a serious security risk since it allows users to steal others' information.
There are multiple ways to resolve this. For example, efforts could be made to: