

Made by DeepSource
Use absolute WORKDIR DOK-DL3000
Bug risk

By using absolute paths you will not run into problems when a previous WORKDIR instruction changes. You also often don't know the WORKDIR context of your base container.

Command does not make sense in a container DOK-DL3001
Bug risk

For some POSIX commands it makes no sense to run them in a Docker container because they are bound to the host or are otherwise dangerous (like ´shutdown´, ´service´, ´ps´, ´free´, ´top´, ´kill´, ´mount´, ´ifconfig´). Interactive utilities also don't make much sense (´nano´, ´vim´).

Pin image versions explicitly to a release tag DOK-DL3007
Bug risk

Using the latest tag can cause breakages when a new version of an image is released. You can never rely on the assumption that the latest tag points to a specific version of an image.

Use the -y switch DOK-DL3014
Bug risk

Without the -y/--assume-yes option it might be possible for the build to break without human intervention.

Always tag the version of an image explicitly DOK-DL3006
Bug risk

You can never rely on the assumption that the latest tag points to a specific version of an image. Explicitly tagging the image with a specific version (e.g. ubuntu:12.04) ensures that your application will not break due to random changes across different versions of an image you depend on.

COPY --from should reference a previously defined FROM alias DOK-DL3022
Bug risk

Trying to copy from a missing image alias results in an error.

COPY --from cannot reference its own FROM alias DOK-DL3023
Bug risk

Trying to copy from the same image the instruction is running in results in an error.

FROM aliases (stage names) must be unique DOK-DL3024
Bug risk

Defining duplicate stage names results in an error.

Multiple ENTRYPOINT instructions detected DOK-DL4004
Bug risk

If you list more than one ENTRYPOINT then only the last ENTRYPOINT command will be setup, making prior ENTRYPOINT setups redundant.

Missing space before # DOK-SC1099
Bug risk

A keyword is found immediately following a #. In order for the # to start a comment, it needs to come after a word boundary such as a space.

Pin versions in gem install DOK-DL3028
Bug risk

Version pinning forces the build to retrieve a particular version regardless of what’s in the cache. This technique can also reduce failures due to unanticipated changes changes between different versions in required packages.

Invalid case used for command/syntax DOK-SC1081
Bug risk

Unexpected == detected DOK-SC1097
Bug risk

== is being used in an unexpected way. The two most common reasons for this is: - You wanted to assign a value but accidentally used == instead of =.

eval used with special characters DOK-SC1098
Bug risk

Shells differ widely in how they handle unescaped parentheses in eval expressions. eval foo=bar is allowed by dash, bash and ksh.

Detected use of $ in the iterator name of a for loop DOK-SC1086
Bug risk

The for loop expects the variable's name, not its value (and the name can not be specified indirectly).

Use the --no-cache switch DOK-DL3019
Bug risk

As of Alpine Linux 3.3 there exists a new --no-cache option for apk. It allows users to install packages with an index that is updated and used on-the-fly and not cached locally: This avoids the need to use --update and remove /var/cache/apk/* when done installing packages.

Declare and assign separately to avoid masking of return values DOK-SC2155
Bug risk

$ is not used specially and should therefore be escaped DOK-SC1000
Bug risk

$ is special in double quotes, but there are some cases where it's interpreted literally: - Following a backslash: echo "\$" - In a context where the shell can't make sense of it, such as at the end of the string, ("foo$") or before some constructs ("$'foo'").