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Fields initialized only in constructors can be made readonly CS-R1137


The readonly modifier can be applied to fields that are not initialized anywhere in a class and if initialized, it is either initialized inline or in the constructor. This modifier prevents you from rewriting/overwriting its values and may even allow the runtime to perform additional optimizations. Consider using this modifier when and where possible.

Bad Practice

class C
    private int x;
    private int y;

    public C()
        // `x` is not modified anywhere outside `C()`.
        x = 1;

    public void M()
        // `y` is initialized in a method.
        // Cannot be marked as `readonly`.
        y = 2;


class C
    private readonly int x;
    private int y;

    public C()
        // `x` is not modified anywhere outside `C()`.
        x = 1;

    public void M()
        // `y` is initialized in a method.
        // Cannot be marked as `readonly`.
        y = 2;