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Audit: Writing to a file that's in a publicly accessible directory CS-A1012

a01 cwe-377 owasp top 10 cwe-379

Writing to a log file is a perfectly normal behavior that most applications adopt. However, care must be taken that:

  1. The data that is being logged does not contain potentially sensitive information,
  2. Log files are cleared when no longer needed,
  3. Log files are placed in a directory with appropriate permissions.

However, in this case, the application is writing to a log file that is in a directory that can be publicly accessible. It is recommended that you verify that no sensitive data is being written to this log file and if possible, move the log file to a more appropriate and tightly controlled directory.

Bad Practice

var logfile = new StreamWriter("/tmp/log");


var logfile = new StreamWriter("/some/appropriate/path/log");
