vivekkoya / classfiles

Non-null boxed types are inefficient JAVA-P1000
2 years ago2 years old
seatCreatable can be converted to a primitive value
113						processInput();
114					}
115				} else if (s.equals("economy")) {
116					Boolean seatCreatable = true;117					while (seatCreatable) {
118						for (String passengerName : gns) {
119							EconomySeat
seatCreatable can be converted to a primitive value
 89				String s = in.nextLine().trim().toLowerCase();
 90				if (s.equals("first")) {
 92					Boolean seatCreatable = true; 93					while (seatCreatable) {
 94						for (String passengerName : gns) {
 95							seatCreatable = FirstSeat