willtheorangeguy / willtheorangeguy.github.io

Avoid use of == and != JS-0050
5 months ago2 years old
2084                  h = e ? r : s;
2085                return {
2086                  left: c(
2087                    l % 2 == 1 && u % 2 == 1 && !d && e ? i.left - 1 : i.left,2088                  ),
2089                  top: h(i.top),
2090                  bottom: h(i.bottom),
2084                  h = e ? r : s;
2085                return {
2086                  left: c(
2087                    l % 2 == 1 && u % 2 == 1 && !d && e ? i.left - 1 : i.left,2088                  ),
2089                  top: h(i.top),
2090                  bottom: h(i.bottom),
2080                  u = r(i.width),
2081                  f = ["left", "right"].indexOf(t.placement) !== -1,
2082                  d = t.placement.indexOf("-") !== -1,
2083                  c = e ? (f || d || l % 2 == u % 2 ? r : a) : s,2084                  h = e ? r : s;
2085                return {
2086                  left: c(
1060            let e = $(this).attr("data-filename"),
1061              t = $("#modal");
1062            t.find(".modal-body code").load(e, function (s, n, t) {
1063              if (n == "error") {1064                let e = "Error: ";
1065                $("#modal-error").html(e + t.status + " " + t.statusText);
1066              } else $(".js-download-cite").attr("href", e);
 852      if (!n.length) return;
 853      let e = window.location.hash.replace("#", ""),
 854        t = "*";
 855      e != "" && !isNaN(e) && (t = ".pubtype-" + e); 856      let s = "pubtype";
 857      (o[s] = t), (r = D(o)), n.isotope(), $(".pubtype-select").val(t);
 858    }