weareinreach / InReach

Found warning comments in code JS-0099
5 days agoa year old
Unexpected 'todo' comment: 'TODO: [IN-920] Handle new string...'
30			data.oldSlugs = { create: { from: existing.slug, to: newSlug, id: generateId('slugRedirect') } }
31		}
32		if (input.description) {
33			// TODO: [IN-920] Handle new string creation in Crowdin34			const newText = generateFreeText({ orgId: input.id, type: 'orgDesc', text: input.description })
35			data.description = {
36				upsert: {
Unexpected 'todo' comment: 'TODO: Do something to ensure that only...'
145							output.eligibility.age = eligAgeItem
146						}
148						// TODO: Do something to ensure that only one of these attributes is set149
150						break
151					}
Unexpected 'todo' comment: 'TODO: Typescript wants these two...'
 6		<ScrollArea.Autosize
 7			mah='50vh'
 8			placeholder={null}
 9			// TODO: Typescript wants these two properties all of a sudden -- why?10			onPointerEnterCapture={undefined}
11			onPointerLeaveCapture={undefined}
12		>
Unexpected 'todo' comment: 'TODO: Alter dropdown component to match...'
 25			setOptions(data.map(({ id, tsKey, tsNs }) => ({ value: id, label: t(tsKey, { ns: tsNs }) }))),
 26	})
 28	//TODO: Alter dropdown component to match figma design 29	return <Select data={options} {...form.getInputProps('phoneTypeId')} />
Unexpected 'todo' comment: 'TODO: [IN-807] Validate accessibility...'
 92			{address}
 93			{remoteSection}
 94			<Hours parentId={locationId} />
 95			{/* TODO: [IN-807] Validate accessibility data points before enabling. 96			<Stack spacing={12} align='flex-start'> 97				<Badge 98					variant='attribute' 99					tsNs='attribute'100					tsKey='additional.wheelchair-accessible'101					tProps={{ context: `${isAccessible}` }}102					icon={isAccessible ? 'carbon:accessibility' : 'carbon:warning'}103					style={{ marginLeft: 0 }}104				/>105				<Text variant={variants.Text.utility2}>106					{t('accessible-building', { context: `${isAccessible}` })}107				</Text>108			</Stack> */}109		</Stack>
110	)