Zxce3 / userbot

Doc line too long FLK-W505
a year ago2 years old
doc line too long (96 > 88 characters)
136    with Image.open(input_img) as img:
137        # We used to use thumbnail(size) here, but it returns with a *max* dimension of 512,512
138        # rather than making one side exactly 512 so we have to calculate dimensions manually :(139        if img.width == img.height:
140            size = (512, 512)
141        elif img.width < img.height:
doc line too long (95 > 88 characters)
134        output.name = f"sticker.{img_type.lower()}"
136    with Image.open(input_img) as img:
137        # We used to use thumbnail(size) here, but it returns with a *max* dimension of 512,512138        # rather than making one side exactly 512 so we have to calculate dimensions manually :(
139        if img.width == img.height:
140            size = (512, 512)