EotvosCollegium / mars

Audit required: Presence of debug function found PHP-A1012
4 months ago2 years old
Use of var_dump() to log can be risky if the variable contains sensitive information
264                    $printJob->state = PrintJob::SUCCESS;
265                    return redirect()->back()->with('message', __('general.successful_modification'));
266                } else {
267                    Log::warning("cannot cancel print job " . $printJob->job_id ." for unknown reasons: " . var_dump($result));268                    return redirect()->back()->with('error', __('general.unknown_error'));
269                }
270            }
Use of var_export() to log can be risky if the variable contains sensitive information
57            $this->notifyStaff($fault, /* reopen */ true);
58        }
60        return var_export($auth);61    }
63    public function notifyStaff(Fault $fault, bool $reopen = false)