

Made by DeepSource
Type error while assignment TYP-014
Type check

Encountered a TypeError while assignment. Please see the message occurrence.

Invalid type for __all__ TYP-056
Type check

Type of __all__ must be sequence string. See the issue message for more details

Invalid Literal[...] type hint TYP-041
Type check

Arbitrary arguments are given to Literal[...], which makes it an invalid type. It is recommended to remove the arbitrary arguments.

Unexpected return value TYP-007
Type check

A return statement has been encountered in the callable which is not expected to return anything.

Invalid definition of generic alias TYP-073
Type check

You can not use a bound type variabe to define generic alias. Please see occurrence message for more details.

Invalid return type hint for generator function TYP-009
Type check

The return type of a generator function should be Generator or one of its supertypes.

Unsupported type application TYP-019
Type check

The type application is not supported in this context. See the occurrence message for more details.

Missing type hint TYP-068
Type check

Type annotation or type comment was not found. Please see the occurrence message for more details.

Deprecated type hint used TYP-038
Type check

The special form Any(...) has been deprecated. Use cast(Any, ...) instead.

Untyped function called in typed context TYP-061
Type check

Calling an untyped function in a typed context. Please see the issue message for more details.

Unsupported type provided to operand TYP-052
Type check

Type provided to the operand is not supported. See the issue message for more details.

Invalid return type hint for async generator function TYP-010
Type check

The return type of an async generator function should be AsyncGenerator or one of its supertypes.

Unnecessary suppression of type checking issue TYP-001
Type check

Useless suppression of a type checker issue with type: ignore comment. There is no issue being raised here, hence you can safely remove this comment.

Incompatible types detected TYP-060
Type check

Incompatible types detected. Please see the issue message for details.

Incompatible type detected TYP-050
Type check

Type given is not compatible. See the issue message for more details.

Incompatible redefinition detected TYP-053
Type check

The redefinition is incompatible. Please see the issue message for details.

Uninferred lambda expression type TYP-012
Type check

The type of lambda expression cannot be inferred here.

Inconsistent number of argument for type alias TYP-069
Type check

Fewer or more number or arguments have been given for a type alias, which makes it invalid. Please see the occurrence message for more details