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Django app detected with DEBUG mode enabled PY-S0900

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Running a Django application with debug mode enabled may allow an attacker to gain access to sensitive information. Ensure that Django applications that are run in a production environment have DEBUG set to False.

Debug mode helps developers to find bugs by providing information about the system and the users. The information may be security-sensitive. If enabled in a production environment, this information can help attackers know about the underlying tools, application settings, and so on. It is recommended to configure another file (say, in order to configure development-specific settings. Another recommended way is to read these values from environment variables.

Not Preferred:

import django
from django.conf import settings

settings.configure(DEBUG=True)  # Sensitive
settings.configure(DEBUG_PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS=True)  # Sensitive

def some_config(config):
    settings.configure(default_settings=config, DEBUG=True)  # Sensitive

Django's "" or "" configuration file

DEBUG = True  # Sensitive

Issue is raised for this case only if the file is named "" or "", the default names for Django configuration file.