Using promises is forbidden in places where the TypeScript compiler allows them but they are not handled properly. These situations can often arise due to a missing await keyword or just a misunderstanding of the way async functions are handled/awaited.
const promise = Promise.resolve('value');
if (promise) {
// Do something
const val = promise ? 123 : 456;
while (promise) {
// Do something
const promise = Promise.resolve('value');
if (await promise) {
// Do something
const val = (await promise) ? 123 : 456;
while (await promise) {
// Do something
for (const value of [1, 2, 3]) {
await doSomething(value);
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Do something
const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
eventEmitter.on('some-event', () => {