

Made by DeepSource

Audit required: Command injection from user-controlled sources GO-S1015

a03 cwe-78 sans top 25 owasp top 10

A command invocation (os/exec) built from user-provided data without sufficient sanitization may run commands to exfiltrate data or compromise the system. It is recommended to either avoid using the user-provided data directly in command invocations or sanitize them before use.

Recommendations to avoid such attacks: - Sanitize the user-input before command construction - Use hard-coded string literals to specify the commands to run - Based on the user-input, select trusted hard-coded commands

Bad practice

func executor(req *http.Request) {
    cmdQ := req.URL.Query()["cmd"][0]

    // NOTE: cmdQ contains the value (at index 0) of "cmd" key
    // parsed from the raw query (request).
    // An attacker could manipulate this to pass an unsafe URL
    // such that cmdQ gets a command to run that's could compromise
    // the system.
    cmd := exec.Command(cmdQ)

The function extracts the name of a system command from the request parameter and then runs it without any scrutiny, which can cause a command injection vulnerability.


func executor(req *http.Request) {
    cmdQ := req.URL.Query()["cmd"][0]

    // NOTE: There are other methods as well to make this is safer
    // function.
    switch cmdQ {
    case "a":
        // Keep as it is
    case "b":
        // Modify
        cmdQ = "app2"
    case "<something unsafe":
        // Executing "true" is harmless as it just returns
        // true
        cmdQ = "true"
        // Do something

    cmd := exec.Command(cmdQ)
